7AM - 5PM

call: 218.74WASTE


Join us and become a part of the driving force to a cleaner Northeast Minnesota!


We are hiring Class A or B drivers to join our team! G-Men is looking for safe, courteous drivers who value a predictable schedule. Individuals on our team will be able to work independently or with a team and one who can operate DOT certified equipment. Driving abilities will include garage truck, roll off truck, & tractor trailer. Union benefits are provided along with full-time work. We have driving positions available in Ely and Virginia, MN.


We are hiring office staff to join our team! G-Men is looking for an admin with polite and courteous phone skills, proficiency in Excel and can take over dispatch and routing. Light bookkeeping experience and marketing/social media skills are a plus. Working hours would be 9-5, Monday through Friday. Competitive wage, paid holidays and vacation provided.

Think you’d be a great fit for G-Men?

E-Mail us your resume to [email protected]